What's your screen time?

Roughly a year ago I discovered that I could check screen time under my phone settings. Ouch. When I first saw my unhealthy habits right there in simple graphs and undeniable detail, I was shocked! I’ve since made checking my screen time part of monitoring my personal health and wellness.

According to studies done at Harvard and published by JAMA Pediatrics, recreational screen time (outside of virtual school) doubled among teens during COVID-19, from 3.8 hours a day to a whopping 7.7 hours -- and those hours are not yet diminishing. Not surprising, and certainly not unrelated, we also have seen tragic increases in depression, anxiety and suicide ideation among our teens, not to mention the negative impacts on their physical health.

In just this past school year alone, Adventure Crew provided approximately 6,822 hours for city teens to disconnect from devices and immerse themselves in the outdoors. While not a daily occurrence, these are still very positive and impactful hours for our Crew.

It was time spent connecting with friends in person and looking at wildflowers instead of TikTok; soaking in sunlight instead of blue light; and walking with a tacklebox over sitting with an Xbox.

Through Adventure Crew, city kids become fully engaged in the best of life and they’re left wanting more. Swapping out screen time for green time.

Kirsten MacDougal