Join our team: Hiring Outdoor Specialists!

Casey Murphey, Outdoor Specialist

If you want your work to deeply impact the lives of our city’s teens, join our team! Adventure Crew is now hiring Outdoor Specialists. In this role, you'll help facilitate our Saturday adventures, leading Crew teens in activities including kayaking, biking, hiking, skiing/snowboarding, ice skating and fishing. If you're looking for supplemental income, love adventuring in the great outdoors and connect well with teens, this could be a great fit for you! 

The staff at Adventure Crew do what they love, and love what they do. 

"What I love most about being an Adventure Crew Outdoor Specialist is the one-on-one time with the kids out in nature," said Casey Murphey, who has worked for Adventure Crew since 2016. "They get to let all of their walls down and just get out there and be a kid -- climb some trees, find the perfect “hiking stick," make s’mores over the fire, look for critters lurking in the creek — and you get to relive this nostalgia, too! Today we as a society are disconnected from the outdoors, and this program gets us involved and inspires these inner city teens to do the same."


Sam Glew, Outdoor Specialist

"Adventure Crew is everything I want to see in the world," said Sam Glew, who joined the Crew last June. "It gives everyone the opportunity to love the world around them and to experience it in new and exciting ways. It also pushes kids out of their comfort zones and helps to kindle an adventurous spirit. People, kids especially, can take away so much from these experiences, so I'm always elated to be able to share the things I love with them."

If this sounds sounds like work you'll love, then we'd love to hear from you! Visit our employment page for more details about this awesome opportunity.

Shauna Steigerwald