From the Executive Director
Why the change? Branding is a powerful tool to help build and drive an organization forward. The purpose of our good work needed a distinctive and concise name and image that enables us to become both scalable and memorable - an inspirational identity that captures the full essence of who we are.
What does the new brand represent? The Adventure Crew logo tells the story of what we do and who we serve. Beyond its more obvious depiction of mountain peaks and flowing rivers lies a deeper meaning among its different shapes and parts. Our new image represents the young people we are committed to, city teens who
⦁ …may need a place to fit in but still want the chance to stand out.
⦁ …may have some rough edges but reveal grateful hearts of gold.
⦁ …grow in their courage and aspire for more.
The diamond shape itself is seen in many cultures as portraying the earth and its natural ability to transform us into living lives of great meaning, with clarity and wisdom.
And lastly, the point-up triangle that forms from an uneven base takes its rightful position as the pinnacle piece. Adventure Crew teens come from varied beginnings but rise up stronger through time in nature.
Tag-line, Outdoors for All? We believe the great outdoors is for all and that providing equal access to nature is vital to the well-being of our young people and to the overall health of Greater Cincinnati. Nature deficit is a very real disorder (Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods) among all children, and yet impoverished city youth are at greatest risk. We remain committed to ensuring city teens have the opportunity to enjoy adventures in nature by removing all logistical and financial burdens that typically prevent their experiencing the therapeutic and empowering benefits of outdoor adventures.
We are ADVENTURE CREW! Our new branding is only a kick-start to the bold Strategic Vision we have for our future. Join us – be part of the CREW. Start your New Year by giving the gift of nature to our city teens. Thank you.