Portrait of a Crew Graduate

Until they join Adventure Crew, most of our kids have never even seen the Little Miami River, much less paddled down it. They've never biked the Loveland Trail or skied at Perfect North. Through Adventure Crew, they are introduced to a whole new world.

When city teens have the chance to experience the wonder of the outdoors and the confidence that comes from exhilarating adventures, they fall in love with nature and grow to care about the earth.

In other words, Adventure Crew reshapes their view of the world and of themselves. In fact, a recent student survey showed that 80% of our Crew now want to learn more about the environment and take part in additional conservation efforts, and nearly 70% have a new-found interest in exploring green careers.

Sparked by the transformation we see among many of our most marginalized students as they spend more and more time in nature, we created our “Portrait of a Crew Graduate” to bring greater specificity to our new vision, where “every city teen is inspired by nature.”

The Adventure Crew graduate will be:

  • Confident and comfortable in nature

  • Courageous on adventures

  • Informed about the environment and conservation

  • A good steward of the Earth

  • Inspired to grow in life, wellness, love and joy

These outcomes – the qualities and competencies we want to see in our graduates – direct all of our strategic planning so we can programmatically and intentionally take a Crew student as far as they want to go in relationship with nature and in growth toward their future.

Stand tuned! This New Year 2022 is bringing all new and great opportunities for our city teens at Adventure Crew. Outdoors for All.

Kirsten MacDougal